Secretly Suffering & Settling In Your Relationship?
Some people have the relationships of their dreams, but most people don’t. Most people are secretly suffering and settling — stuck wishing things were better without much chance of change. What’s the difference? What keeps people trapped in dead end situations? There are three main reasons why people don’t have…
Using the Magic Relationship Method to Heal a Marriage
I have a friend who is going through some pain in her relationship with her partner of 10 years. She’s been writing to me about the issues they’re facing. She’s also bought “The 5 Relationship-Wrecking Communication Mistakes” and has listened to some of our MP3s. Her name is Madeline, and…
Divorcing With Compassion, Understanding and Dignity
Divorce is an incredibly painful and trying time for everybody in a family. Being able to communicate your feelings and needs in an effective manner is one way to help keep your own sanity and to check in with your partner and children. Of course you’d always want to…
Learn More About Yourself & Your Relationship…
Take our relationship survey... and then compare your results. See how everyone else rates their relationships... Where do they have the most problems? What issues cause the most upsets? What are peoples highest values? And, of course, everything is confidential... Click here to take the Relationship Survey - Quiz! Click here…
The 5 Relationship-Wrecking Communication Mistakes… 4 & 5 podcast
The 5 Relationship-Wrecking Communication Mistakes… 4 & 5 Mistakes Numbers 4 and 5 of The 5 Relationship-Wrecking Communication Mistakes… These mistakes are "CUP STUFFING" and "Male-lite-ous" Click the gray arrow to listen in as Paul discusses these mistakes and what to do about it... [audio:] Click here to…
5 Relationship-Wrecking Mistakes Podcast – Part1
Welcome to the Magic Relationship Radio Podcast. This is part #1 of a 3 part podcast. Listen to a live recorded Tele-class on the... 5 Relationship-Wrecking Communication Mistakes... In this podcast we intoroduce the 3 main parts of the 'The Magic Relationship Method' and mistake #1 "Case Building" Would you…
Raising Sons – A Mother’s Musings
Click on the button below to hear Diana River’s powerful Mother’s Day Reading, “Raising Sons”. It is presented here as a gift to the general public by her son, Paul Sterling. We hope that the reading will bring pleasure to all who hear it and also that it might stimulate…
The Beauty of Anger!
Anger is an emotion that gets an incredibly bad rap. People are put into classes by the courts to learn how to control their anger. Kids are sent to their rooms until they can act ‘nice.’ Partners take great pains not to reveal their anger to their significant other for…
She Just Uses Me As Her Listening Object
All she wants to do is talk to me. And all she wants me to do is listen… and enjoy it. Let's turn things around, just for a second. It seems to be fine to say, "I feel used," "He just wants me for sex!" or "He just uses…