when communication breaks down – so does the relationship.
That’s a no brainer, but the problem is… what do to turn it around, to bring back the trust, openness and honesty… Sometimes it feels like you are trying to stop an avalanche and everything you do just make things worse… Sound familiar? If so, you are going to want…
Porn For Women… yes, you will laugh…
One of marketing mentor's mother sent this to him... and he passed it on. Hopefully it will make you smile. When you’re done laughing forward this to your friends...
The One Thing You Can Change…
what is the one thing you can change that will change your relationship? there are really only 3 main options: the first thing people try and change is their love when that doesn't work - they will change lovers (separation or divorce) the last and most effective thing to change...…
jealousy, jealousy damn that jealousy
it can destroy your relationship and screw up your life… once it starts - it's hard to stop... if you are jealous, you know the feelings.. feelings that can range from just a mild attack with light anxiety... to all out, kick your ass attack where you can't breath, your…
what really wrecks relationships…
what really wrecks relationships? it's not what most people think... it's not affairs it's not money issues it's not jealousy it's not a lack of love it's not even the loss of passion... Listen in to this surprising interview about relationship communication... to find our more about THE TURNING POINT:…
Can a Weekend Really Change Your Relationship…
Great Question... Let me tell you a story. Last December, a young and beautiful couple came to one of my relationship workshops. They loved each other very much… But here’s where the story gets weird. You see, even though the loved each other, their situation is hopeless. This couple had…
The Turning Point – Relationship Rebuilding Retreat
Just got the great news from the twins (more about them later)... They have cleared the calender for the weekend of July 17-18-19 at Gold Lake Spa and asked me to come up and teach a weekend relationship retreat. Why should you care - this could be your chance to…
Compassionate Communication for Couples Using NVC
Here is an Interview with Paul Sterling and John Kinyon going over the basics of Nonviolent Communication They cover how to apply this amazingly powerful communication tool in relationships to: clear up misunderstandings resolve conflicts create intimacy and more Your Dedicated Relationship Coach, PS To truely discover the power of…
Enhancing Intimacy and Sacred Sexuality – Listen In Here…
The interview with sex coach Ellen Eatough was a big hit... thanks for your great questions and feedback. now in case you missed it - or just want to listen again - you can click here for the whole interview on enhancing intimacy and sacred sexuality. http://www.instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=6779964 Check it out…
Your Secret, Possibly Embarrassing Sex Questions
Here are just a few of the questions my readers sent in for my teleseminar - interview with... Ellen Eatough - The Soulful Sex Coach. Along with answering your questions... Ellen will be revealing the ‘4 Secret Keys’ to enhancing intimacy, passion and sacred sexuality in your bedroom. And you…