From Zero to Hero – Turning Your Relationship Around…

… or What To Do When Your Relationship gets Messy.

Want to know how to turn your relationship communication breakdowns
into breakthroughs?

How to bring back the love, laughter, intimacy and understanding… along
with all the rewards of doing that.  🙂



Join us for a free teleseminar Wednesday, Jan 20th, 2009.
To save yourself a seat (phone line really) just click on this link
and we will email you all the needed info.
Your Relationship Coach
PS. here are some of the questions your fellow students have
already asked to be covered on the call.  Get your question in
  • Why do i find it so scary to express how i feel especially when i think the other person might not like what i have to say. How can I express my feelings diplomatically and unstrained without fear of hurting or upsetting another?
  • How or where you start to work on the trust and communication in a relationship when there has been cheating involved?
  • when me and my husband communicate about a subject, he is always defensive i try my best not for it to be an accusation but because of his pass he always feels i’m attacking him as example (when you have timecould you help me to open my car door it is frozen and i tride alone but isn’t strong enough) he gets deffensive on anything i ask or suggest?
  • I find everything runs smooth until my heart gets involved and when I feel vulnerable I need to call my guy more and know he is not going away. I also get more sensitive about other women and get jealous feelings. Generally this causes him to run in the oppositie direction. What is the best way to handle my vulnerable feelings and not push my guy away?
  • how do we get over arguments and misunderstandings?
  • How do you work on your marriage when you are living separately with no plans on moving back together?
  • My boyfriend and I in our late 40’s and are both divorced (messily in both cases). We had been dating for 1 1/2 years and contemplating moving in together and were gradually moving my stuff in but he got cold feet, backed off and asked for more time. I moved all my stuff back out and we have gone back to dating for the last 6 months (and are enjoying our time together). I would like us to be more than just dating… How can I best help get us back on track for a life together?
  • We have been together off and on for 5 years. How can I become the center of her life? We were engaged 4 years ago, what happened? She can’t even say she loves me on her own. Whats going on ?
  • How do I best handle anger? 
  • When there are 2 women in his life (when i used to be the only one) how do I get him back to commit to me and only me.



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