Valentines Day… it’s not your fault!

Valentines Day is coming way too soon and…

Holidays can be filled with the stress of unexpressed expectations… creating all sorts of hazardous emotional ‘mind-fields’ and communication pit-falls.

As a relationship communication coach, I understand – it’s not your fault if you can’t read your lover’s mind… but there is something you can do about it – help is on the way!

… as you may have heard, I’ve shut myself away up here in my cabin in the Rocky Mountains to meet my deadline:

… rewrite and update my eBook on relationship communication so it can be released before Valentines Day!

Somewhere in the mix of too much coffee, the exhilarating momentum of getting it done & a feeling of overwhelm from the piles of notes, changes & reminders to self to breath/eat/stretch…

a totally crazy idea hit me…

… why not give away a 1,000 copies of my new eBook – as a totally free gift – to my friends and family before Valentines Day.

Okay now, I got to get back to editing so if you want to get the full story (and the reason I’m doing this)…

just click on this link to get the skinny & reserve yourself a copy today!

With passion, purpose and possibility,

Paul Sterling
Your Relationship Coach

…the clock is ticking! So just do some clicking:

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