Argue Less, Love More – Best Seller Adventure
Have you ever noticed that the people you love the most… can be the most difficult to talk to… Especially when the issues you want to talk about are important, impactful and emotional!!! What to know what is going on? Watch this 2:30 minute video. Here is the BAD NEWS:…
Argue Less, Love More – Book Release
4 More Days Until My Book Release... Have you ever noticed that the people you love the most… can be the most difficult to talk to? Especially when the issues you want to talk about are important, impactful and emotional!!! If you said YES? Here's the BAD NEWS. When…
Why Your Lover Stops Listening
?"DISCOVER WHY YOUR?LOVER STOPS LISTENING TO YOU" With Paul Sterling Which of These 5 Common?Communication Mistakes Are?You Making They Trigger Your?Lover, Block Open & Honest?Communication, & Stop Love,?Intimacy and Affection in?Their Tracks... Why your lover shuts down and stops listening.?And How to turn that around so both of you feel?HEARD,…
Vulnerability and Shame – Two Keys To a Great Relationship
Vulnerability and Shame - Two Keys To a Great Relationship... These are two very powerful and insightful videos that are really important to understand. They can have a huge impact on your relationship. The keys to real intimacy and open honest communication is vulnerability. Check out this video.…
How to Get Whatever You Want In Life…
Couldn't sleep so i found this amazing video with 3 of my mentors. Tony Robbins is talking to Frank Kern and John Reese about what it takes to have what you want in life - ANYTHING YOU WANT... It starts a little slow with Frank and John goofing around (yes…
From Ignored To Adored a 90 Day Relationship Breakthrough Course
"The Quality Of Your Relationship Is Based On The Quality Of Your Communication... And When Your Communication Falls Apart So Does Your Relationship" "The Problem Is How Do You Stop This Downward Spiral Once It Starts And Bring Back The Love, Intimacy, And Understanding You Desire." Go From Feeling Ignored…
Making Valentines Day a Magical Moment
I was watching a TV drama… and the hero was critically injured and lying in a hospital bed. His friends were huddled around his bed and anxiously watched his heart beat on the EKG machine. There was the flat line followed by a beat… it was that beat that showed…
The Power of Vulnerability
For the over 10 ?years I have been teaching about the concept of POWERFUL VULNERABILITY to couples. It has transformed many of their relationships. I have been teaching it in prison to inmates - again - the results are amazing. Then someone told me about a great TED TALK video…
What Did I Say? – Avoiding Communication Hell…
Understanding the Communication Star can help you avoid COMMUNICATION HELL! How? By understanding what causes most communication problems and misunderstandings you can learn how to avoid these painful mistakes. PURPOSE: TO: give couples a model about communication that is a simple way of looking at a complex subject. Relationship Communication.…
Holidays Can Be Hard on Relationship – Book Your Relationship Rescue Coaching Session
Is your relationship on the rocks? Are you worried that your relationship may not last much longer? Have you been thinking about ending the relationship yourself or are you worried that your partner is going to end the relationship sometime soon? If so, my heart goes out to you. We’ve…